From:                                             OCEFOI <>

Sent:                                               19 March 2021 10:56

To:                                                  Louis Holmes

Subject:                                         FOI 3401 - Nursing and care homes for people over 65

Attachments:                               210223 foi attaachment.docx


Dear Louis Holmes,


I refer to your recent request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I can confirm that the Council does hold this information, as detailed below.


Please see below for FOI questions in relation to nursing and care homes for people over 65.


  1. What is your LA’s 2020/21 Nursing Fee Base Rate be? (excluding FNC)



  1. What is your LA’s 2020/21 Nursing Dementia Fee Base Rate? (excluding FNC)



  1. What is your LA’s 2020/21 Residential Fee Base Rate?



  1. What is your LA’s 2020/21 Residential Dementia Fee Base Rate?



  1. Were your LA’s 2020/21 fee rates based upon an assumed occupancy level? If so, what rate?



This information has been provided in response to a Freedom of Information request and this must be acknowledged in any subsequent use of the information. In addition, the authority must be notified of any proposed re-use of this information for commercial or other purposes.


I hope this is satisfactory. If, however, you are dissatisfied with our response to your request for information, you can ask for the decision to be reviewed in reply to this letter, however any request for review must be submitted within 40 days of the date of this freedom of information response. The review will be removed from the Directorate and coordinated by the Council’s team of Solicitors. A request for review should be directed, by email to by post or by hand addressed to Business Support, Sunderland City Council, Civic Centre, Burdon Road, Sunderland. SR2 7DN.


If this fails to resolve your concerns, then you have the right to apply to the Information Commissioner for a decision.


Kind Regards




Angela Miller

Compliance Officer

City Development Directorate

Sunderland City Council

Tel: (0191) 561 7567



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From: Louis Holmes <>
Sent: 23 February 2021 12:48
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Care England


***This message originates from outside your organisation. Do not provide login or password details. Do not click on links or attachments unless you are sure of their authenticity. If in doubt, email ‘’ or call 561 5000 ***

Dear FOI department,


This email is sent on behalf of Rhodri Williams, Senior Policy Adviser at Care England.


Please see attached for Care England's Freedom of Information request regarding LA fees for 2020/21.


Kind regards,

Louis Holmes




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