Home / Resources & Guidance / ADASS Survey Highlights that Funding is Needed

Care England, the largest and most diverse representative body for independent providers of adult social care, is left despondent following the results of ADASS’s Waiting for Care Report. The survey findings substantiate many of Care England’s key messages that the care sector needs immediate support from central Government as care providers struggle to meet the current demand and the significant amount of unmet need.

Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive of Care England, says:
“From the start of the pandemic the pressures on social care have increased, while the resources available are gradually diminishing.”

ADASS further found that ‘almost 170,000 hours a week of home care could not be delivered due to a lack of care workers to meet demand during the first three months of 2022’. These figures reinforce Care England’s repeated warnings to Government that the care sector is at the edge of the precipice. Care providers must be supported by immediate financial assistance to meet the gap in care which is growing and will continue to do so if no further action is taken.

Martin Green continues:
“Without immediate Government intervention the adult social care sector will snap under the pressure to meet growing public need. It is vital that the Government addressed the issue of unmet need and ensure that the social care sector is robust and sustainable, so that it can continue to support citizens with a range of complex needs.”


Notes to editors:

Care England is the largest and most diverse representative body for independent providers of adult social care
For Care England press enquiries related to this release, please contact Mathew Willis (020) 7492 4845 or email mwillis@careengland.org.uk