Box Power

Box Power

Box Power is setting a remarkable precedent for others

Having already created, built and sold one of the UK’s leading energy consultancy to a PLC in 2012, our Chief Executive Officer and well known industry veteran Corin Dalby, wanted to give back to communities and so Box Power CIC was born.

As the UK’s only philanthropic not-for-profit energy consultancy to major multi-site energy intensive groups using ethical buying, and our outperforming 2022 buying advice has proved to be a huge success to help groups safely navigate volatile markets and stay ahead of the game – ‘Box Power is setting a remarkable precedent for others

The 2022 market volatility has clearly shown and identified a price difference to an end users bottom line from those Third Party Intermediaries who claim to be energy experts, versus those who actually are.

Energy cost has never been so front and centre, with many groups at board and investor level now realising they simply can no longer afford to stay with an incompetent adviser and ill though out advice.


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Company Information


01204 387155
