Home / Resources & Guidance / Care England Comments: LGA Findings On Section 114s

Responding to the Local Government Association’s findings that almost one in five surveyed council leaders and chief executives in England think it is very or fairly likely that their chief finance officer will need to issue a Section 114 notice this year or next year due to a lack of funding to keep key services running, Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive of Care England says:

“The results of the LGA survey make for unsettling reading, but it won’t come as a surprise to anyone in the social care sector. Local authorities have been underfunded by central government for years, compromising their ability to adequately fund social care and ensure it is fit for the future. Social care providers are being forced to reduce capacity to ensure that they are still able to deliver high quality care for an ageing population with increased levels of dependency. They’re forced to do more for less. Part of the support Care England offers to providers is our new publication ‘Savings, Solutions and Sustainability’, which is designed to help providers reduce costs and sustain future provision. This alone can’t solve the problem of inadequate funding for adult social care, so we will continue to call on central government to ensure local authorities have sufficient funds to meet the care needs of their populations.”

To read ‘Savings, Solutions, and Sustainability’ in full, please click here.