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Caring Times Owners Club partners with Care England to offer exclusive data

Care England’s market intelligence platform MINT will share local authority fee data with Caring Times’ community for care providers.

The Caring Times Owners Club is joining forces with Care England to offer Club members exclusive access to the fees that fellow care providers have negotiated with local authorities.

MINT, Care England’s market intelligence portal, exhibits a wide range of CQC, fee, financial and general sector-specific data spanning older person and younger adult services. As part of this new partnership, Club members will receive access to a useful array of information generated through MINT.

Recent months have seen the operational costs of running a care home skyrocket, but local authority fees have not increased in parallel. In this climate, it is essential that care providers are well equipped to negotiate fair fees with their local authorities, many of which are cash-strapped themselves, to continue running sustainably. This is particularly crucial for care providers with a high ratio of local authority to private clients.

Knowing what local authorities in your area are paying fellow care providers can be crucial to successfully negotiating your own contracts. Therefore, MINT will share exclusive regional data on local authority fees with the Caring Times Owners Club membership.

The data, which is otherwise only accessible to Care England members, will help to ensure all providers are in a strong position to negotiate fair local authority rates for the care they provide, strengthening the sector at a time of financial strain.

Join the Caring Times Owners Club for regional local authority data, and join Care England to receive access to MINT for more granular data including fee base rates, average rates per local authority, and the CQC ratings of services in your area.
