Home / Resources & Guidance / Champions of Care awards sponsored by Person Centred Software

Person Centred Software is delighted to be sponsoring Champions of Care awards. The awards are designed to celebrate and give recognition to the incredible work that is happening within Health and Social Care and give everyone the chance to thank others. We are inviting you to nominate any individuals for the Champions of Care Awards.

The Awards are as follows:

  • Making a Difference Award

This award is aimed at anyone who has an impact on a resident by doing something meaningful. This could be doing a special activity or bringing them something that has had a positive impact.​

  • Digital Innovation Award

This award highlights when people have used technology to transform the care given to people in health and social care. This could be a care home or an individual that has used data or technology to transform or improve care.

  • Special Recognition Award

This award is for anyone within social care that has made a positive impact on someone’s life who is currently in a Health and Social Care setting.

  • Great Leader Award

This is an award for someone who has demonstrated exceptional leadership, regardless of their position; for example, they have led an innovative initiative, activity or product.

The deadline for nominations is the 31st January 2023. These awards will be held every quarter, and all winners will be invited to a Champions of Care Event next November! The winners from each category will also receive a prize.

To find out more and enter please click here