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In the world of Health and Social Care, comprehensive training is an absolute necessity. Training equips individuals with the skills and knowledge required to provide a high level of care while ensuring safety and competence in their roles. In this article, we delve into the concept of “mandatory training” in care homes, covering its significance, who covers the costs, and the possibility of compensation for the time spent on internal training sessions.

Do Care homes pay for internal training CBAT

What is Mandatory Training in Care Homes?

Mandatory training in the care sector encompasses all training necessary to perform one’s role safely and in compliance with legal and regulatory standards. It includes training requirements established by regulatory bodies such as the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and any training deemed essential by the care home for effective job performance.

Some common types of mandatory training include:

  • Health and safety
  • Fire safety
  • Equality, diversity, and human rights
  • Infection prevention and control
  • Manual handling
  • Safeguarding adults
  • First aid
  • Assisting and moving people
  • Communication
  • Dignity
  • Medication management
  • Mental capacity
  • Food hygiene
  • Nutrition and hydration
  • Person-centred care
  • Recording and reporting
  • Dementia awareness

The specific training requirements can vary based on the role and the care home’s needs. Specialised training may be necessary for individuals caring for patients with particular health conditions, such as autism or epilepsy.

Quality training is not just a choice; it’s a regulatory requirement crucial for delivering high-quality care. Care home staff often serve individuals with complex health needs, making adequate training essential to maintaining high care standards, safeguarding patient well-being, and ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory obligations.

Who Covers the Costs of Mandatory Training?

Care homes typically bear the responsibility of ensuring that their staff receive the mandatory training required to perform their roles safely and in accordance with legal and regulatory standards. This includes selecting the training course and determining when and how it will be administered.

If you were employed by the care home after 6 April 2020, your employment contract should outline the necessary training, including any training that the employer does not cover. In most cases, care homes pay for mandatory training and conduct it during regular working hours.

However, it’s essential to review your employment contract or consult with your employer for confirmation.

Will You Be Compensated for Mandatory Training?

Whether you receive payment for the time spent on mandatory training can vary depending on the care home and your earnings. If you earn above the National Minimum Wage and the internal training takes place during work hours, your pay likely already covers this time. If the training occurs outside regular working hours, it’s advisable to refer to your employment contract or discuss compensation with your employer.

For those earning less than the National Minimum Wage or close to it, the employer should compensate you for the training time to avoid falling below the National Minimum Wage threshold.

CBAT Mandatory Care Training Courses

At Care Business Associate Training (CBAT), we take pride in being one of the UK’s leading care training providers. We offer an extensive range of professional training courses, including moving and handling, infection control, and medication management. Our courses are available both online and in-person and are conducted by experienced trainers. We also provide customised training tailored to your specific needs.

For further information or to book a training course, visit our website and browse our offerings. You can also contact our team at 01772 816 922 for personalised assistance.

CBAT is your trusted partner for achieving excellence in care training, ensuring your staff is well-prepared to provide the highest level of care and meet mandatory training requirements.


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