Home / Resources & Guidance / Energy Aware: Making a plan for if there are power cuts this winter

It is very unlikely that we will see energy shortages this winter. However, it’s important we plan and prepare for a wide range of scenarios by:  

  • Encouraging eligible consumers to sign up to the Priority Services Register  
  • Working with any organisation that works with vulnerable people to help them and their carers develop a personal plan for electricity disruption  
  • Following the ENA’s Prepare, Care, Share campaign  
  • Developing robust business continuity plans for your organisations  
  • Work with your service users and service managers to help them think through how they would manage during pre-notified power cut 

The following slide deck is there to provide high level summary for providers in respect of energy blackouts, power cuts, and what measures should be taken.

To determine who your network operator, click here.

To determine who your energy supplier is, click here.