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Delegated healthcare activities learn and share national event


29th February 2024    
10:00 am - 3:00 pm


One Park Crescent
One Park Crescent, London, W1B 1SH

Event Type

Continuing improvements to the guiding principles to ensure safe healthcare and support

Face to face event

One Park Crescent, London

Places are limited, so book now to avoid disappointment.

Delegated healthcare activities to social care workers have been happening for many years and can enable people who draw on care and support to have more choice and control. If the delegation is person-centred, safe and appropriate with the right training, guidance and support; this can mean a better experience of care.

In May 2023 Skills for Care, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and partners launched voluntary guiding principles and resources which they co-developed to support person-centred, safe and effective delegation of healthcare activities.

The principles are being tested and evaluated through an iterative process with continuous improvements and adjustments being made based on feedback, learning and emerging good practice.

About the event

This national event, hosted on behalf of the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) will share the evaluation, learning from the principles working in practice so far and will also explore the recommendations being made as a result.

Deborah Sturdy CBE, Chief Nurse for Social Care, will lead the day which will include live panel debates and roundtable discussions focusing on how to introduce and embed the principles into practice and understanding how to commission safe delegation.

There will be lots of opportunities to ask questions, explore practical approaches and hear from different perspectives across the sector including from organisations who have been testing the principles and resources to:

  • Understand how the principles and the supporting resources have been working in practice.
  • Explore what the opportunities, gaps and challenges are.
  • Share experiences and learnings to support further developments and recommendations.

This event will give you practical information and proven insight to help you to use the guidance and resources in your role and to support others in using them.

It will also provide a real opportunity to input into the final recommendations for the guiding principles.

Who should attend?
  • CEOs, Operation Directors, L&D and HR Directors
  • Local authority and NHS commissioners
  • Integrated Care Board (ICB) directors
  • Regional Chief Nurses from ICB  
  • Social Care Workforce leads from ICB
  • Sector influencers and advisors including membership organisations and associations
  • Nurses involved in delegating healthcare tasks
  • Care workers
  • Personal assistants
  • People who draw on care and support