Supporting the COVID response in adult social care – letter – 29 December 2021
The government is distributing a further £60m of funding to support councils for January as social care workers and providers work hard to ensure safe and sufficient adult social care support.

Workforce Recruitment and Retention Fund for adult social care – guidance
Published: 3 November 2021 Last updated 9 December 2021 — Information for local authorities and adult social care providers on the £162.5 million Workforce Recruitment and Retention Fund.

Adult Social Care Infection Control and Testing Fund: round 3
20 December 2021
Sets out the measures that round 3 of the Infection Control and Testing Fund supports, including distribution of funds, conditions and reporting requirements.

Workforce Capacity Fund for adult social care – guidance
Published 29 January 2021 | Last updated 3 November 2021, Information for local authorities and adult social care providers on the £120 million Workforce Capacity Fund during coronavirus (COVID-19).

Better Care Fund policy framework: 2021 to 2022,
Published 19 August 2021 Last updated 1 October 2021 — The policy framework sets out the national conditions, metrics and funding arrangements for the Better Care Fund in 2021 to 2022.

Letter from Helen Whately MP, Minister of State for Care to providers re: Extension of the Infection Control and Testing Fund – 14 July 2021

Letter to all DASSs and local authority Chief Executives to provide some further clarification on the £1.55bn of unringfenced funding. 21 January 2021

Social care charging for local authorities: 2021 to 2022 – guidance
Published 28 January 2021
Information for local authorities on charging for care and support.

Priorities for the Comprehensive Spending Review – Joint CSI response 24.11.2020
Social care reform must be underpinned by a vision. There is an opportunity to transform social care so that it is sustainable, a contributor to national economic recovery and plays a key role in ensuring that all people with care & support needs are fully included in their communities.