Home / Resources & Guidance / How to negotiate and monitor contracts for digital social care record – Webinar series in partnership with NHS England and Care England

In these webinars, sector experts and care providers shared their experience and expertise about procuring digital technologies. There will be a particular focus on contract negotiation and pre-procurement for digital social care records (care planning software). You can find a description of the webinars, and a link to the recording, below:

What to check for in your technology contracts (for social care providers)
Are you an adult social care provider who is thinking of purchasing a digital system but you don’t know where to start? Are you concerned about what should be included in contracts? Or are you unsure how to find the right software supplier for you? This webinar will help!



Monitoring your digital contracts well (for social care providers)
Do you have questions about how to get the most out of your relationship with your software suppliers? Have you already purchased digital technologies but you want to know more about contract management and negotiation? This webinar will help!


If you want to have follow up conversations with any of the speakers, please find their contacts below:

Christopher Barber, Principal Consultant, Marr Procurement – christopher.barber@marrprocurement.com

Jonathan Crosland, Principal Consultant, Marr Procurement – Jonathan.crosland@marrprocurement.com