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Businesses and many industry sectors continue to experience significant challenges in recruiting and retaining valuable staff in the UK.

Holding a sponsor licence with the Home Office which enables businesses to find the best talent anywhere in the world became the natural step and solution for their continued business development and growth. The care sector is one of the newest to the game as carer workers and home carers were only added to the Shortage Occupation list in February 2022, which meant that the care industry could look beyond the UK to recruit into these roles for the first time in UK Immigration history. Image e1681375717139

This opportunity does not come without its challenges as there are set obligations a business must comply with when obtaining and retaining a licence to sponsor an individual to work in their business. Organisations must demonstrate that they have robust systems in place not only to monitor the staff they have sponsored into the UK and ensure they adhere to their visa conditions within the relevant UK immigration laws but also have a defined process to ensure that certain key changes are quickly spotted, recorded, and reported (if necessary) to the Home Office within the defined timescales.

MichelleBelle Immigration Solutions offers an extensive range of corporate immigration services that ensures that our clients meet and comply with the sponsorship requirements and UK immigration laws, and also support your staff with their specific work visas.

We assist businesses to implement defined processes that are constantly ahead of the ever-changing UK sponsor compliance regulations and UK immigration laws, mapping all the stakeholders in the process so that each gains an appreciation of where they fit into the bigger puzzle by providing ongoing compliance checks which help our clients stay focused and on top of the duties needed in managing their sponsor licence.  MB logo 2023 e1680258581991

Further, we have our Relocation Management Solutions (RMS) at Michellebelle, which offers a 360 Degree relocation and immigration support to individuals who want to relocate to the UK or EU and offers employers a streamlined international talent management solution, which compliantly reduces the lead time on the company’s hiring process and eliminates the stress of finding suitable talents internationally and onboarding them compliantly into the UK.

We have significant experience and have worked with the care industry in obtaining sponsor licences, requesting, and assigning sponsorship certificates, visa application support for their staff and advising on the processes for specific business operations e.g., working at multiple locations, driving requirements, etc.

To discuss how we can assist your organisation’s growth and business continuity plans, and any specific requirements, contact us today for a free business consultation and we will be happy to assist.

Website Link- https://www.michelle-belle.com