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2022/23 Fee Uplift Status Report – 12/04/22

Fee Letters received as at 05/01/22 re 22/23 Fees, Fair Price for Care Approach and Fee Anomolies raised in November 21

Care England – Fee Collection Report 09.12.21 – please note this report contains fees exported from MINT for the current and three prior financial years.  Made up of average and base fees from local authorities with an iBCF comparison to average fees.  Some authorities have provided average fees which are indicated on the report summary tab.  The FY 2021-22 houses links to the source data related to the rate provided and may contain further explanations of the rates for that authority.  It is suggested that proir to using any of these rates for analysis that you check the individual source documents to establish the relevance of each rate accordingly.

Improved Better Care Fund (iBCF) Average Fee Rates paid: (link to source)

Data Collection Template Example


– Data Due Q2 Feb/Mar 22 and End of Year Oct 22


– Data Due Q2 Feb/Mar 21 (not reported) and End of Year Oct 2021.  Policy Statement 2020-21


Data & Report


Data Q2 & Report


Data Year Ending & Report