Home / Resources & Guidance / Care Quality Commission (2021)

Care England and Anthony Collins solicitors webinar 14 December 2021
The impact of the new CQC strategy and approach to inspections (Click here to download presentation)

CQC Adult Social Care Trade Association meetings presentations and minutes (Click here to download documents)

Care England attends regular CQC Trade Associations meetings. This is an opportunity for Care England to bring concerns/issues from our membership directly to CQC but also to hear updates and comment on policy developments, quality ratings and CQC documentation.

CQC Market Oversight of adult social care – 24th February 2021 Click here to download updated document

Between August and October 2020, CQC ran an engagement exercise for providers and the public to comment on proposals to update the Market Oversight provider guidance, based on the scheme’s operation and lessons learned since 2015. Care England fed back to this response.
The updated guidance is now available on the CQC website here.

CQC Thematic Review of DNACPR
Please click here to download PowerPoint presentation from the External Advisory Group held on 29 October 2020.