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Letter sent to Sir Simon Stevens from Professor Martin Green – letter 16 April 2021
Re: Continuing Healthcare (CHC) fee increases 

Response received from Matthew Winn to Professor Martin Green, Care England –  letter 04 June 2021
Re.: NHS Continuing Healthcare (NHS CHC) fees, commissioning approaches and the Commissioning for Quality and Innovation payments framework (CQUINs).

Continuing Healthcare Briefing – 29 April 2021

Care England briefing relating to the financial obligations on providers and commissioners when it comes to the commissioning and funding of Continuing Healthcare (CHC).

CQUIN Briefing – 26 April 2021

Update on the latest developments in relation to Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN). 

NHS Planning Guidance Briefing 

Care England update regarding some of the most pertinent aspects of the 2021/22 NHS priorities and operational planning guidance. 
April 2021

Continuing Healthcare and CQUINs – Care England briefing – September 2020

This membership briefing focuses on the implications of Covid-19 on NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) and Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN) funding arrangements, specifically within the context of NHS commissioned care from independent adult social care settings. This briefing has been informed by correspondence with Matthew Winn (Director of Community Health NHS England and NHS Improvement), as well as the feedback received by members over the Covid-19 pandemic. 
Download briefing 

See below for a list of people who are believed to be the leads for local NHS organisations with responsibilities for continuing healthcare, although please note that some of those listed may well be undertaking different roles currently due to the pandemic.

Download list (Excel file)

Hospital Discharge and CHC guidance 21.08.2020

Please download the summary of the guidance.