Home / Resources & Guidance / Preventing people with a learning disability from dying too young: Care England Reaction

Care England has today responded to the Nuffield Trust report, Preventing people with a learning disability from dying too young. Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive of Care England, says:

“The recommendations, if actualised, will go a long way to creating equity in the health and care system, and move the Transforming Care agenda forward.  The annual Learning Disabilities Mortality Review report showed us that the care people with a learning disability receive is improving, but deep-rooted inequalities remain. Addressing inequalities across the health and care sector is vital, yet remains a desperately underfunded programme of work. We need a government commitment to deliver the report’s recommendations and improve the quality of care for people with a learning disability across the country. Short-term sticking plasters of commitment and funding will never resolve what must be a national priority.”