From:                                             Louis Holmes

Sent:                                               22 December 2021 11:27

To:                                                  Louis Holmes

Subject:                                         FW: Engagement with the Adult Social Care Sector




From: Louis Holmes <>
Sent: 20 December 2021 15:42
Cc: Antonella Corby <>; COX, Samantha (NHS KERNOW CCG) <>; SHIELDS, Kate (NHS KERNOW CCG) <>; Louisa CollyerHamlin <>; Martin Green <>
Subject: Re: Engagement with the Adult Social Care Sector


Dear John,


Many thanks for your swift response to Martin's email. 


Thank you for outlining the work your ICS has been doing regarding adult social care engagement. It is clear that you have had care representation in mind since the start and we welcome this. 


Once David's replacement has been decided, it would be great to get their details so that we can pass it onto our members who operate within C&IoS.


As part of our work on the Health and Care Social Bill, we have formed a White Paper Working Group (WPWG). This group is used to discuss the latest developments of the Bill and provides Care England's members with the chance to raise any queries. I wondered if you'd be interested in attending a future meeting of the WPWG? It would allow you to share some of the good practices that have been happening in C&IoS and give our members the chance to ask any questions they may have. If this would be of interest to you, then please let me know and we can discuss organising a session in the New Year.


Many thanks again for responding to Martin's email. We look forward to seeing how your ICS develops.


I hope you and your colleagues have a great Christmas break.


Kind regards,




Sent: 20 December 2021 14:06
To: Martin Green <>
Cc: Louis Holmes <>; Antonella Corby <>; COX, Samantha (NHS KERNOW CCG) <>; SHIELDS, Kate (NHS KERNOW CCG) <>
Subject: Re: Engagement with the Adult Social Care Sector


Dear Martin,


Thanks for reaching out. May I introduce myself, I am our ICS Independent Chair and the Designate ICB NHS Chair for C&IoS. I arrived here a couple of years ago.


One of the first things I did ( and now for the last 18 months) we've had David Smith represent the Care Homes sector across our ICS in Cornwall & Isles of Scilly locality, and attending our public Board meetings for our ICS in what we call our Senate.


David has just retired and so I am now affirming who will take his place. (David was Cornwall Partners in Care (CPIC) Chair.)


Until any new ISP arrangements change, we are pressing on with our ICS Systems Board and Senate's (that takes the same shape as an ISP here) and so until any changes are agreed we shall stay with the format that seems to be working locally.


We will of course formalise this re our new ISP as we go forward and once we're clear on the final legislation.


Do please call me if you wish to discuss further (or contact Sam my p.a.)



John Govett

07711 632328


From: Martin Green <>
Sent: 20 December 2021 12:05
To: CIOS, Shapingourfuture (NHS KERNOW CCG) <>
Cc: GOVETT, John (NHS KERNOW CCG) <>; Louis Holmes <>; Antonella Corby <>
Subject: Engagement with the Adult Social Care Sector


Dear Ms Shields,


Firstly, I would like to congratulate you on your newly appointed role as the ICB CEO. In July, I reached out to your colleagues at Surrey Heartlands ICS to discuss its development and how you envisage the process of engagement with your independent adult social care providers. As a form of reintroduction, Care England, as the adult social care sector's largest and most diverse representative body representing 25% of care home beds in England, is keen to work with you throughout the development of your ICS. Our members run and manage approximately 4,000 care services, amongst them single care homes, small local groups, national provider and not-for-profit voluntary organisations and associations, as well as private providers. We, therefore, can offer significant knowledge and expertise about the sector.


Since my initial letter, several pieces of ICS guidance have been published by NHSEI and DHSC on how specific components of an ICS shall be implemented and what is expected of them. While the guidance is not mandatory, we hope that all ICSs shall use the national framework and follow a similar structure throughout each system. Doing so will reduce the burden for health care providers who operate across multiple ICSs, while still allowing place-based work.


Each piece of guidance implies that systems are expected to predominately operate via place, with place-based partnerships and provider collaboratives leading the forefront of this work. The guidance indicates that social care providers will take a dynamic role within these forums, working with local healthcare and other stakeholders to deliver on the four aims outlined in each ICS guidance. Although not a requirement, we understand that social care providers may also sit on the Integrated Care Partnership (ICP). Therefore, we are interested to know the following:


  1. Will you advocate for adult social care providers to sit on the ICP?
  2. How do you plan on engaging with your local independent social care providers, so they are up to date on the latest developments within your ICS?
  3. How will ICSs work together to support national providers working across multiple integrated care systems?


We would welcome the opportunity to work with you in implementing the guidance to ensure fair engagement for independent adult social care providers. To help inform providers on the structure of an ICS, especially regarding leadership and accountability, we encourage you and your colleagues to produce an organisation organogram. Developing a chart and disseminating it to your local providers will help generate engagement and understanding of your ICS. They will also further understand where they sit within your system and how they can best engage with you and your colleagues.


Care England wants ICSs to succeed. We will gladly work with you and your colleagues to help ensure fair representation for independent care providers on all levels of governance to enable sufficient and productive engagement with the sector. Attached is a recent document we have produced in response to the Prime Minister's 'Build Back Better: Our Plan for Health and Social Care' that highlights our ten key asks. We want to ensure that the voice of providers is heard clearly throughout the development and implementation process of the Plan and work with your ICS to help ensure this happens. In the new year, we will also be producing a brief for ICSs on Continuing Healthcare (CHC) to help guide integrated care systems towards best practice and partnership work with care homes that deliver CHC services for people. A final piece of work we have produced is a collaborative piece with the Good Governance Institute (GGI) and the Homecare Association (formerly UKHCA) that highlights the need for effective engagement from each ICS and their local independent providers. Once the paper has been published, we will make sure to share it with you and your colleagues.


To aid in maximising engagement, please could you provide a contact email, link to your website, or, alternatively, a piece of text that we can send to local providers to help ensure local engagement. Please may we also obtain your main email address (both Independent Chair and ICS Lead) so that we can continue to engage with you via direct contact? Please may you also note which Local Authorities are included within your system?


I look forward to hearing your response.


Yours sincerely,


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