Home / About / Charlotte Lezard

Charlotte joined Care England as a Policy Officer in April 2022, after graduating from the University of Reading with a degree in English Literature and Politics. In July 2023, Charlotte took on the role of Policy and Public Affairs Officer, and in June 2024 was promoted to Policy and External Affairs Lead.

Her policy work centres around ensuring the working-age adult sector is recognised in the development of adult social care policy. Her previous experience working with children and young adults has created a passion for placing the needs of society’s most vulnerable high on both the public and political agenda, which she pursues through her work at Care England. Charlotte also assists with Care England’s regulatory work, ensuring members are kept abreast of key changes and are equipped with up-to-date knowledge and resources.

Charlotte’s public affairs work sees her working closely with national, local and trade press contacts, as well as external stakeholders to ensure the voice of Care England is heard.


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