Home / Resources & Guidance / Bing: An overlooked gem for care homes?

Did you know that Bing has hit 100 million daily active users? Whilst Google is still the most popular search engine, Bing is starting to show increased importance as a channel.

But, who is using Bing? Bing boasts a more mature user base with most of its users between 45-54 years of age and are considered to be more mature, highly educated and affluent. MH bing hidden gem scaled e1696856289814

Our Spring care home trends report revealed that Bing Organic and Bing PPC accounted for 3% of website traffic generated between April 2022 and March 2023. Pale in comparison to the 64% generated from Google Organic and Google PPC. However, when it comes to the calls that occurred following a visit to a care home website – 8% of calls were attributed to Bing. That’s a year-on-year growth of 115%.

Now, it’s important to remember that Bing’s numbers are still low compared to Google, but it’s worth thinking about what activities you’re doing on Bing – is it even a part of your marketing strategy?

As we edge closer to the release of our Autumn care home trends report, we’re excited to provide even more insights into the evolving dynamics of care home marketing. To find out more, we invite you to join our upcoming webinar, where we’ll delve into the latest data, trends, and strategies that can help you stay ahead, and drive up move-ins.

Read more:  https://www.mediahawk.co.uk/resources/events/key-trends-for-care-homes-autumn-2023/?utm_source=care-england&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=care