Home / Resources & Guidance / Care England and BKR Care Consultancy Launch New Initiative

Care England, the largest and most diverse representative body for independent providers of adult social care in England, and BKR Care Consultancy have today announced their partnership to help the care sector better prepare for the Care Quality Commission’s new inspection framework.

Professor Martin Green, Chief Executive of Care England, says:

“Care England has announced a new partnership initiative with BKR Care Consultancy which offers Care England members the opportunity to experience a CQC mock inspection. This service will enable care providers to have a really good understanding of areas they might need to focus on before the CQC do a formal inspection of the service and improve outcomes for all.” 

Bhavna Keane-Rao, Managing Director of BKR Care Consultancy, says:

“BKR Care Consultancy is delighted to announce its partnership with Care England. BKRCC provides a range of industry-leading services to care providers, from children to adults’ care services. across the UK. This new partnership will enhance Care England members’ preparedness for CQC inspections through the mock inspections provided by BKR Care Consultancy. Independent mock inspections are a useful tool to establish the current compliance level of the service, prepare for a regulatory inspection or assist in challenging findings of external stakeholders. Members will also have access to all of our other services.”

BKR Care Consultancy is offering care providers a mock inspection against the CQC’s new assessment framework to assist services in preparing for regulatory inspection and ensure standards are maintained to a high standard.

Often carried out in a single day an action plan or comprehensive report is produced to guide and support the service forward. A team of experienced and highly skilled consultants, number dependent on the size of the service or number of service users attend the site and check all aspects of the operation of the service. Feedback is provided throughout the visit and detailed formal feedback given at the end of the day.

A mock inspection allows a service to assess where it is in relation to current CQC requirements, test its staff teams’ response to being inspected and identify its strengths and weaknesses. Mock
inspections are also a useful tool for assessing your internal quality assurance systems effectiveness.

Mock inspections may also be used to refute CQC reports, satisfy lenders that improvements have been made to restore confidence in the business or to assure service users and their families that the services has corrected failures identified by CQC, Local Authorities or CCG’s.

An independent mock inspection can provide services with a useful insight into the current regulatory status of the service ensuring staff focus on areas of deficiency or strength.Independent inspections can also assist in reassuring key stakeholders such as Service Users and families or lenders, particularly where there has been an adverse CQC / CIW / CIS report, that the service is making progress or has sustained its ratings.

Care England members will be eligible to receive a discount on this mock inspection service.

If you are interested in finding out more about this offer, please contact BKR Care Consultancy directly.

Notes to the Editor

Care England is the largest and most diverse representative body for independent providers of adult social care. For Care England press enquiries related to this release, please contact George Appleton (020) 7492 4849 or email gappleton@careengland.org.uk or visit www.careengland.org.uk.

BKR Care Consultancy (BKRCC) was founded in 2011 by Managing Director Bhavna Keane-Rao and Dr Michael Keane. Since this time, BKRCC has grown to be an industry-leading consultancy providing a range of services to care homes, hospitals, GPs, Children’s services and legal teams. Charlie Jones, Care and Clinical Director, joined the company shortly after its foundation and leads the teams working with clients. For BKRCC press inquiries related to this release, please contact Bhavna Keane-Rao 07941513903/ 0116 2412142 or Bhavna.KeaneRao@bkrcc.co.uk, or Charlie Jones 07792132145 / 0116 2412142 or visit https://www.bkrcareconsultancy.co.uk.