Home / Resources & Guidance / Outstanding personalisation for Keychange communities

Vibrant Communities uses innovative technology to deliver outstanding personalisation. Our live online social groups mean that care communities can take support for isolated individuals to the next level. We enable people to flourish and find connections with others who share similar passions and interests.

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We work very closely with care providers to ensure that our programme of interactive groups meets the needs of people living and working in their care communities, and works towards their vision and aims.

Keychange’s digital community

Keychange and Vibrant Communities have been working together for more than two years. We host Keychange’s digital community and all their care communities have access to at least 5 live groups per week.  What’s on offer each week ranges from tours of gardens and galleries, to poetry groups and art clubs, through to recreating classic movies and themed tours and conversations.

Additionally, Keychange have a bespoke fortnightly Christian service just for their communities. This is an opportunity to meet together and share a meaningful experience that affirms the shared values of the organisation. People living in their communities contribute hymns and readings during the services, and also help plan the services during fortnightly planning sessions. With members of the Board, families, residents and colleagues joining, it has become a key part of company culture.

Supporting Keychange’s person-centred ethos

Vibrant Communities supports Keychange’s quest to deliver its person-centred ethos, and directly aligns with CQC’s expectation of innovation in responsive and effective care:

“Vibrant Communities’ digital groups have enabled Keychange to enhance wellbeing and provide meaningful experiences for those we support. A more impactful outcome would be hard to find.”  Martin Farrow, Keychange Board member

Keychange was founded over 100 years ago on the principle of personalised care and support underpinned by a set of values, behaviours and standards linked to their Christian ethos. Today, they operate residential care communities for older people in addition to residential communities for homeless young people across England.

For Keychange, the bespoke online church services help communities in different geographical areas to come together to celebrate their faith. The services align with Keychange’s purpose and mission; they offer outstanding personalisation for Christians who live and work in Keychange communities.

Case study – Evelyn

Evelyn lives in a Keychange community. She loves to read, and sew, and attends a weekly Bible Study group in her care community.

Evelyn helps to run the online Praise, Prayer and Togetherness services; she attends the regular planning meetings and organises contributions from the other communities:

“I join the planning meeting every other Thursday, where all involved give me readings, hymns and prayers; and I also contribute my own.” Evelyn

The online Christian services have substantially improved Evelyn’s wellbeing and has enabled her to build meaningful relationships with other Keychange communities:

“[I] look forward to the service [I] as enjoy [it] when all the homes join together and I get to meet various care staff and residents….I feel blessed that I can continue to worship and retain my faith, I always have a feeling of peace when I have attended a service.” Evelyn

We are rolling out this partnership approach to more care providers. We will work with you to deliver a digital community that meets the needs of people living and working in your communities, and works towards your vision and aims.

If you want to substantially improve wellbeing for individuals, like Evelyn, and contribute towards your CQC evidence and continual improvement please get in touch on hello@vibrantcommunities.co.uk. You can also find out more on our website: www.vibrantcommunities.co.uk.