Home / Resources & Guidance / Stow Healthcare wins triple crown of national awards

Family run care group Stow Healthcare has completed a historic hat-trick of titles at national care awards, being named Care Group/Provider of the Year at the National Care Awards, Caring UK Awards and, most recently, the Care Home Awards – all within the space of eight months. The company believes this is the first time a single provider has won the top award at three different events within such a short period.stow healthcare wins triple crown of national awards

Stow Healthcare has certainly made a big impression in social care since it was founded in 2010, scaling up to seven residential and nursing homes across East Anglia, largely keeping its focus on homes with huge potential, but in need of support to turn them around. In this, they have proved highly successful, with three homes now rated as Outsta

nding, often having been rated as Inadequate or Requires Improvement under previous owners.

The company says that the key for them is just doing things ‘a bit differently’ and never becoming complacent or getting bored with the basics, which Stow Healthcare believe is vital to the quality of care they have become known for across the region.

Ruth French, director of Stow Healthcare says:

“Achieving our third national award for Care Group of the Year within eight short months is beyond what we could ever have expected when we founded the company 12 years ago. What makes this extra special is that the homes we buy are very often homes with a troubled past and poor reputation. Changing the culture and standards of care in these homes requires double the effort and we thank our amazing staff who are the foundation of the fantastic care we can offer in our homes.”

The company remains firmly focused on getting the basics right, as well as adding the spirit of innovation that helps them stay ahead of their competitors. Further organic expansion is planned in the coming years, where the company sees potential to support other East Anglian homes and develop their highly successful model.