Home / Resources & Guidance / Suffolk Nurse receives Gold Award from England’s Chief Nurse

Celebrations have been taking place at Stowlangtoft Hall, a nursing home that has already been recognised by the inspectors as being ‘Outstanding’ rated, as its Manager Sally Chilvers has been given a coveted national Gold Award from Professor Deborah Sturdy, England’s Chief Nurse for Social Care.

sally chilvers

The Chief Nurse Awards, launched in 2021 to mirror for social care the awards for nursing in the NHS, recognise exceptional practice and care within the sector.  For Sally Chilvers, forty years after beginning her training as a State Enrolled Nurse, this award feels particularly special.  It was presented in a virtual ceremony, which came as a complete surprise to Sally who thought she was part of a briefing meeting with the Chief Nurse!  “I had absolutely no idea,” said Sally. “I was busily taking notes when Professor Sturdy suddenly started talking about me and I had to do a double take!  To receive the Gold Award is something I am beyond proud of, and I am so proud of my team and residents at Stowlangtoft Hall who make coming to work such a pleasure each day.”

Director of Stowlangtoft Hall Ruth French, who oversees the Stow Healthcare Group and who nominated Sally for her award said, “I wanted Sally’s warmth and humanity to be recognized nationally. The passion she puts into making Stowlangtoft Hall a special place for everyone who lives and works there is a joy to see, and her commitment to social care over 40 years is to be applauded.”

Sally has already enjoyed one special event as a result of her nomination – a visit to No 10 Downing Street as part of the celebration of 74 years of the NHS where she met the Prime Minister and many key movers in health and social care.

sally and the team at stowlangtoft hall

Resident Maisie Tompkins joined in the congratulations saying “I think it’s great Sally won the award. She works really hard looking after all us residents and I don’t think people realise how hard she works sometimes.”