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Commercial Organisations

The supporter membership package provides an ideal opportunity for commercial partners to engage more closely with Care England, its policy work and its members. The full package comprises the benefits below but may be adapted to suit the individual requirements of prospective members.

For further information, please send email to membership@careengland.org.uk

Click here to see our Care England Supporter Member Campaign Data 2023

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Access to leading sector figures

  • Engage with key players in areas of policy, regulation and government at lunches and the Care England annual conference
  • Feed-in your company views through Care England Chief Executive

Advertising & promotion to Care England members

  • Feature in the Care England website Supplier section (Logo, link, description)
  • Bespoke advertising package in the Care England newsletter

Information updates

  • Monthly newsletter with reports and analysis of current issues
  • Daily press cuttings
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Input into government consultation exercises

  • Care England is represented on key policy groups and receives copies of all relevant sector consultation documents
  • Care England will circulate these to supporter members and feed their views and comments into the consultation process

Input from Care England’s executive team

  • Opportunities to meet Professor Martin Green, Chief Executive of Care England, for policy & regulation briefings, sector overviews and analyses.

For further information, please get in touch with Daryl Garcia dgarcia@careengland.org.uk. Or arrange a callback with our membership team if you would like to talk to someone.