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A suite of Care England and stakeholder publications pertaining to the latest integration policy developments. 

To view Care England’s Integration priorities, please see here.

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On 15 September 2023, NHSE published its Intermediate Care Framework for rehabilitation, reablement and recovery following hospital discharge to provide good practice guidance for integrated care boards. The framework is...

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Organisations from all corners of the health and social care system have come out in support of the recommendations outlined in Care For Our Future and coalesced around its vision...

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Introduction Care England hosted a series of roundtables throughout May, beginning on 17 May and concluding on 30 May. These roundtables sought to bring together social care providers and colleagues...

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This study seeks to investigate how Integrated Care Systems have developed since July 2022, with a specific focus on how they have managed and overcome pressures associated with the planning,...

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This study seeks to investigate how Integrated Care Systems have developed since July 2022, with a specific focus on how they have managed and overcome pressures associated with the planning,...

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This study seeks to investigate how Integrated Care Systems have developed since July 2022, with a specific focus on how they have managed and overcome pressures associated with the planning,...

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Following the publication of Data Saves Lives in June 2022 NHS Transformation Directorate (NHS-TD), has provided an update on the progress made. As an overview of Data Saves Lives, the...

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In May 2023 the NHS Transformation Directorate (NHSTD) launched the Adult Social Care Technology Fund (ASCTF). It called for Expressions of Interest (EoIs) to support implementing and evaluating the effectiveness...

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Government response to the House of Commons Health and Social Care Committee’s seventh report of session 2022 to 2023 on ‘Integrated care systems: autonomy and accountability.’ The document goes through...

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This brief provides a broad overview of the independent Hewitt Review, produced by the Rt. Hon. Patricia Hewitt, which the Government commissioned in December 2022. This overview highlights the key...

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Health & Social Care Committee Integrated Care Systems: Autonomy & Accountability (28 March 2023) The report can be found here and our written submission here. Summary Notes optimism about Integrated Care Systems...

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