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A suite of Care England and stakeholder publications pertaining to the latest regulation policy developments. 

To view Care England’s Regulation priorities, please see here.

Care England Team

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Care England runs a number of dedicated groups in which you can engage with other sector specialists. These provide a forum to discuss current issues, contribute your ideas and help...

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You can access a PDF format of this briefing by clicking here Many providers will at some point be involved in an inquest by virtue of delivery of care and...

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You can access a PDF format of this briefing by clicking here Many providers will have been affected by CQC enforcement action, including: Fixed penalty notices; Notices of Proposal; Section...

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Care Planning Tool

13 September 2023
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This tool helps answer the question: How should we create and record a care plan for a new user of our service? When and how should we review a care...

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Aston Brooke Solicitors in partnership with Care England are pleased to announce the firm will undertake free mock UKVI audits for members and non-members who hold a skilled worker sponsor...

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This brief provides a broad overview of the independent Hewitt Review, produced by the Rt. Hon. Patricia Hewitt, which the Government commissioned in December 2022. This overview highlights the key...

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Please see below for an overview of the “ Next Steps to put People at the Heart of Care” that was published on 4 April.The Plan sets out how the Department of...

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At the latest Care England Regulation and Governance (RAG) Group meeting (30 March 2023), Tim Coolican, Partner in the regulatory team at Anthony Collins and Freya Cassia, Solicitor in the...

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In January 2023, the new Chair of the National Mental Capacity Forum (NMCF) was announced, Dr Margaret Flynn. Dr Flynn chaired the review into the abuse at Winterbourne View in...

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The CQC has committed to helping create more capacity for discharge to adult social care by increasing the number of providers with a good or outstanding rating. The CQC anticipates it...

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The Impact Assessment (IA) seriously misrepresents the costs that would be borne by care homes arising from their new responsibilities. It denies that any extra burdens on care home managers would...

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